Saskatoon's own The Sheepdogs finally get there day in the sun. It was quite the year for the 70's drenched rockers shooting to fame through the Rolling Stone Band contest they entered and won, winning a record deal and everything that comes with it. I first heard the dogs just a few months before there buzz began and wondered why they weren't more popular. From there debut album 2006's Trying to Grow followed by 2008's Big Stand, and now with 2010's Learn & Burn (rereleased in 2011) there a band that just gets it. Flowing with nothing but good old fashion meat & potato's rock as they like to say, you just can't help but get into it. Learn & Burn represents there strongest work to date with the album flowing very nicely along, including the 4 song melody to close out the album. It's one you can play start to finish just like the old days with vinyl the way a record was ment to be played.
There currently working on a new album, recording in Nashville with Patrick Carney of the Black Keys. it's due out in the spring/early summer
and now a shameless plug of a few of my own videos ;)
and one more (not mine)
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